Why are we still ‘Clicking here’?

Sophie’s campaign for clear communication

If you Googled ‘Click here’ in the early 2000s you got the download page for Acrobat Reader. In those days, every website had screes of PDF documents on their pages and obligingly included a link to download the reader – just in case this was the first PDF you’d downloaded. The text for that link was invariably “Click Here”.

We’ve come a long way since then. Most of our web content is in HTML, not PDF, and we confidently assume that most browsers can read PDFs if we need to include one.

But we still love ‘Click here’ and its friends ‘Read More’, ‘More Details’ and my personal favourite ‘More’.


I know we’re all tailoring our content to be Mobile First and satisfy our smart phone addicted millennials and Gen Zs. But are we also assuming they have psychic powers and can guess what content we’re hiding behind our one-word, generic link labels?

I don’t want to use the word lazy, but when I see these generic link shortcuts, I am sorely tempted.

Do your readers (and me) a favour. Splash out and – write link labels that actually describe the pages they link to.

The lift in usability, conversion and NPS for your site will be your just reward.

8 thoughts on “Why are we still ‘Clicking here’?

  1. Darius Marley

    As a Gen X guy, I’m totally inclined to agree with you! Personally, I hate “mystery links” that make me hesitate every time I’m about to tap the screen. Unfortunately, it seems like this trend is indeed the new normal. I’ve worked with dev teams who assured everyone that generic link labels instinctively appeal to the “digital native” crowd… because their financial backers often characterize those users as “lazy and more gullible.”


    1. sophiefanning Post author

      Oh Darius – line those devs up and shoot them 😳 That is unforgivable!! They are WRONG. Gen Y and the Millennials may be many things but gullible isn’t one of them. Fight the clear communication fight and push back on those devs 😄

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Darius Marley

        People all around the world would benefit from knowing what really goes on in China… but don’t take my word for it, because I spent almost 15 years blinded by misguided optimism, before I finally opened my eyes. What a dummy. Heh


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